Sunday, April 5, 2020

Aquitaine Essays - Prefectures In France, TER Aquitaine, Aquitaine

Aquitaine Aquitaine Aquitaine est entre les Midi Pyr?n?es, Limousin, et Poitou Charenets. Il a situ? trois cent cinquante miles sud l'oest ? Paris. Aquataine a une le fronti?re avec L'espagne. Aquataine est pr?s de l'Ocean Atlantique et les Pyr?n?es. La Garonne traverse L'Aquitaine. Il est un grande region en France. La capitale de Aquitaine est Bordeaux, situ? sur le Garonne. La r?gion est seperated dans cinq parties. En Aquitaine il y a beaucoup de vinyards. Il est tr?s joli. Il y a un beaucoup d'endroits ? la visite en France: edifices de Lascoux, La Madeline, Rouffignac, et beaucoup de ch?teaux. On peut jouer une beaucoup de sports en Aquataine pour exemple, golf et pelote. Pelote est le jeu plus rapide jou? avec une balle La plages sont jaune, doux et sableux sur la c?te de l'Atlantique. Vous pouvez joue une jeu de volley. Aquitaine was name by Julius Caesar in the first century BC. Under the Romans, the province of Aquitania extended almost as far north as the Loire River. The portion south of the Gironde, was made a separate province in the late 3rd century. The remainder became a separate kingdom in the Frankish period. The title duke of Aquitaine was held by the counts of Poitiers from the 10th to the 12th century. The last duke was William X. When his daughter, Eleanor of Aquitaine, married the heir to the throne of England in 1152, the area became an English possession and remained so until the 15th century, when France at the end of the Hundred Years' War annexed it. From the 13th century until the French Revolution, Aquitaine was called Guyenne. The name Aquitaine was revived in the 1960s to designate the economic region comprising the French departments of Pyr?n?es-Atlantiques, Landes, Gironde, Dordogne, and Lot-et-Garonne. Aquitaine is one of the most accessible regions in France. It has a very intricate system of roads and rails. There are a few major airports along with many minor and privately owned runways. In Aquitaine, there are many major cities, such as Bordeaux, Pau, Biarritz and Bayonne. Bordeaux is only known because it is the capital but because of its wines. It is the home to the best wines in the area for example Margaux, Medoc, Sauternes, and Saint-Emilion. This city was, for centuries, a flourishing port. It rose to its pinnacle during the 18th century. Stendhal wrote at this time ?Bordeaux is by far the most beautiful city in France.? Bordeaux is one of the few cities that have wide streets. There are also many things to see in Bordeaux: the Place de la Bourse, St-Andr? Cathedral, Grosse Cloche, the Place du Parlement, the mainsions and avenues designed by the Marquis of Tourny, the Grand-Thtre, and the Palais Rohan. There is also many beautiful intricate details of the city, some as elaborate doorknockers or in the H?tel de Nice on the Place Charpelet. Pau is the capital of the Pyr?n?es-Atlantiques. It is famous for its ch?teau where Henry IV was born. Pau was once a well known cosmopolitan tourist place during the 19th century. Sumptuous villas and luxury hotels were built in the heart of many parks and gardens. The city now owns a golf course, the first one established on the continent, the Gassion hotel, Saint Martin's church. Pau keeps an English town kind of nostalgia, and offers the charm of a genuine garden city. Biarritz is a very rich town located on the Atlantic Coast. It was originally a small whaling town until sea bathing came into fashion. Residents have consisted of Napoleon III, Bismark and Queen Victoria. It is now a city filled with Mercedes and Jaguars. During the off-season, it is a lonely city but during the summer, it is filled with festivals. Today it has a beautiful coastline still fit for a king and queen. Bayonne is located only six hours from France by train and a few kilometers from Spain. It is a trendy city with a small town charm. It has markets, two museums and even a citadel. After the first Tuesday in August there is a festival in which there are five days of concerts, bullfights, fireworks and a boat race. There are many things to do and see in Aquitaine. Whether it is enjoying

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