Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Compare/Contrast English Advancement - 1744 Words

Compare and Contrast: George Orwell’s â€Å"Politics and the English Language† and Martha Brockenbrough’s â€Å"Does IM Make U Dum?† Using the English language effectively can be difficult at times. You must consider many factors: who your audience is, what kind of tone you wish to convey, the message you are attempting to get across, and any kind of lasting effect wished upon a reader’s mind. After reading through two essays, Orwell’s â€Å"Politics and the English Language† and Brockenbrough’s â€Å"Does IM Make U Dum?† each reveals different mindsets about the advancement and usage of the English language. On one hand, Orwell seems to advocate the simplification of speech and writing. Rather than seemingly sagacious phrases, useless terms, and†¦show more content†¦Clearly if â€Å"Internetese† is used outside of its realm (the internet), its intended message will suffer greatly, due to the common misconception that anyone sp eaking Internetese is ignorant. Nevertheless, very few things could be further from the truth. Brockenbrough acknowledges that IMing does have a home. It belongs in the internet via chat rooms, games, e-mails, and texting, to name a few. IMing is an extremely efficient way to communicate information as fast as possible. A prime illustration is texting. When texting first arrived, it was on platforms and devices with limited amounts of buttons to press. With the English language comprising of twenty-six letters and an additional number of symbols, each button on a texting device must have multiple purposes and letters assigned. Without having multiple functions bound to multiple buttons, not every goal desired can be completed by a user. Because of this, abbreviations, shorthand, and acronyms were introduced and slowly gained acceptance throughout the general public. This allowed devices with limited functionality (relative to that of a standard desktop computer) to communicate infor mation at almost the same rate as someone with a normal keyboard. The communication was clear and effective, since the audiences receiving the messages or communications know of the devices and are receptive to seeing content delivered in Internetese. In any event,Show MoreRelatedThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1541 Words   |  7 Pagessafety, which ultimately lessens the traction of forward thinking. 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